I’m at work and the workload is at an unusual slump, so what better way to look busy than to post something up real quick, right?
There’s some hot joints out there. I’m particularly liking Lil Wayne’s music more and more. The things this cat comes up with is straight sick. Like, in ‘Suck it or not’ with Cam’ron, it kills me every time when I hear him say:
Do you know who you’re playing with?
Chillin’ like a scarecrow looking for some brain..
Chillin’ like a scarecrow?! Hilarious!
Then, in ‘Pump that bass’ he’s like:
I leave with 3 that’s a gathering
And I bet all 3 is gonna lather me..
Seeing how I’m recently attracted to hot women who are all grown and sexy, Sanaa Lathan has been gracing my desktop, below. [The butterfly actually flutters, but will soon be replaced with an animated GIF of something more… ummm, interesting. Any ideas would be welcome]
German engineering, when it comes to vehicles, is typically superior, so it’s no surprise that I’m loving Audi’s new supercar, the R8. That and VW’s R-GTI. Pure hotness. Also hot is the latest advancements in GDI technology. Perfect example – MazdaSpeed 3. That little car is on steroids.
Back to the women.
It’s no secret to my friends that I have a special weakness for Gabrielle Union. Also up there is Thandie Newton, Eva Mendez, [I’m trying to remember who else has been on my desktop] Meagan Good, Christina Milian, even Ciara, and.. ummm…. yes, that dark-complexioned girl in Pharrell’s Frontin’ video.
Lusting after good-looking celebrities is so guiltless. It’s of the purest form, coz chances are a hundred to one – make that a hundred thousand to one – that I might meet any of them, let alone get with them. So go ahead, lust away!
Yo, what is wifey doing in your desktop? lemmie find out ninja..lemmie find out. lol
Ha ha! I feel you tho - if there was a
'Win Sanaa by fighting' contest, I'd apply!
no no no. the best line is
"i get hed in the strangest places
2 at the same time call it changin faces"
Ho ho ho, I forgot about that one! I see you're a Weezy connoisseur of sorts; I ain't mad atcha!
I got one for you tho:
"...and then she follows
at the back of my mind I'm hoping she swallows.."
That entire cut is nasty!
Oh look,.... it ol' snausages fingers!
You dont believe me.... look at her fingers up close.....
lmfao!ok let me go back some..
"u catch my girl legs open betta smash that
don be suprised if she ask where da cash at"
>Buff: Sausage fingers? Goes to show she tastes real good!
>Steev: Then he say:
"..I see she wearing them jeans that show her butt-crack
My girls can't wear that. Why? That's where the stash at.."
Good one!
Alright, I've one last one for you, hotshot, a throwback:
"I'm Lil Weezy for sheezy, I'm off the heezy believe me
See me I squeeze in between it and then I leave it so greasy..."
yeah, and then he say
"when i come thru in the rollsroyce
leave them with no choice"
wat more can i say
Hot damn! Gotta hand it to you then, dawg. I see you know your rap!
Thinking to self while sighing: "When am i appearing on someone's desktop?!"
Ha ha, that can be arranged! Holla at your boy!
Not sausages!
Right next to ciara.....um u forgot another person....me? okay let me stop. (sigh)
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